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Fri 19 September 2014

Airports Company South Africa, Cape Town International Airport prides itself in giving back to communities. The airport handed over R1.2 million today to seven flagship beneficiaries with the remaining funds of over R1.6m being invested in various community driven programmes, with a focus on the airports neighbouring communities. The long term beneficiaries, funded over a period of 3-5 year cycle, are selected according to the company’s strategic Socio-Economic Development pillars.

The airport took its management team and staff volunteers on a tour of three beneficiaries and the tour ended at Leliebloem House in Athlone. This allowed beneficiaries to showcase what they have done over the past year with funds that they have received from the airport and how they will use the funds received today.

“Our initiatives are aimed at ensuring that there is meaningful sustainable change in the communities closer to the airport,” said Deidre Davids, Communications Manager at Cape Town International Airport.

The beneficiaries funded by the airport focus on Education, Community Development, environmental programmes and economic development. “We took a tour of various Non -Profit Organisations we have been supporting for the past three years on the day of the cheque handover, to see the impact and difference which we have made and how we can help further,” added Davids.
The recipients who will receive funds at Leliebloem House are: TRAC, a school based programme focusing on improving children’s exposure to mathematics, science and technology, Heart Capital, which supports a food pods project which enables disadvantaged communities to get access to fresh vegetables. This space offers franchises opportunities to sell the vegetables to the community. Other beneficiaries are Beyond Education, a Recycle Swop Shop, a place where children can swap bags of recyclable items for essentials such as books, pens, clothing, shoes, toiletries and deodorants. Learn to Earn which develops skills for individuals to start their own businesses and Living through Learning which is a literacy programme run in seven disadvantaged schools in Cape Town. The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to All Animals (SPCA), which focuses on improving the health and well-being of pets and their owners.

“The upliftment of the airport’s immediate surrounding communities is important to us and in achieving this we have to ensure that whatever support we give leads to self-reliance and sustainable projects which benefits the people living in these communities. We will also spend R200 000 in an outreach programme which benefits 20 organisations in the airport’s neighbouring communities and another R230 000 shortly in support of organisations recommended by our staff members,” concluded Davids.

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