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Thu 28 March 2013
Road works at O.R. Tambo International Airport

O.R. Tambo International is in the process of rehabilitating certain areas within the airport.

The project is being undertaken as a preventative measure to avoid damage to the underlying layers in the pavement support structure, which if not attended to, may result in the need for reconstruction, instead of rehabilitation. Reconstruction would require closure of sections of the roads for extended periods while the damaged roads are being re-built. However, rehabilitation will help avoid extended road closures. The ultimate benefit will be a smoother driving experience for airport users.

The works undertaken will also result in the continued serviceability of the roads.

The areas to be rehabilitated include:

• Landside Cargo Area (both outside and inside)
• Access roads to the Terminal building
• Access road to Super South gate
• Super South Car Parking Area
• Terminal Building Car Parking areas (open areas)
• Western Cargo Car Parking areas
• ATNS Car Parking Area

Temporary speed humps will be installed while the road works are in progress, with permanent speed humps being reinstated once the work is completed.

To avoid any further inconvenience, movement of construction equipment will be done outside peak traffic hours.

The expected project completion date is 31 July 2013.

Patience and support in this regard would be greatly appreciated, as we work towards creating a safer and more comfortable driving experience for all airport users and the airport community at large.

For any media queries, please contact:

Unathi Batyashe-Fillis
Manager: Communications and Brand Management
O.R.Tambo International Airport
Direct: +27 (0)11 921 6087
Fax: 086 560 3488

Categories: Business