Airports Company South Africa and the environment
Airports Company South Africa is committed to promoting a healthy environment, and to preserving it for the benefit of present and future generations. Our concern with the environment goes to the heart of our focus on sustainability. Our approach is therefore to continue to entrench sound environmental management philosophies and business practices that will sustain Airport company South Africa’s value into the future.

Our approach to environmental management is based on the simple model of plan, develop, implement, audit and review to ensure continual improvement.
Airport Company South Africa complies with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, the Environmental Conservation Act, and the White Paper on Aircraft Noise and Engine Emissions. Our policies and procedures are developed in accordance with national legislation and address aircraft noise, bird management, storm-water run-off, air quality and occupational health and safety.
Airports Company South Africa’s environmental management system is aligned with the ISO 14001 standard. Cape Town International Airport, Port Elizabeth International Airport, Upington International Airport, East London and George Airport are ISO 14001 certified. Part of the company’s environmental strategy is to obtain ISO certification for the other airports within the group in the next 3 years.
We have also:
Taken a number of steps to alleviate noise pollution, including changes to flight frequency over the same areas and flight patterns
Formed alliances with local authorities in neighbouring areas to enforce zoning prohibitions
Provided input to the Department of Transport for a draft national policy on noise pollution
Measured noise levels over Pretoria to test provincial legislation against standards set by the SABS
Lobbied airlines for quieter aircraft and participated in international forums to develop strategies to deal with the problem
Introduced water and energy conservation, waste management and alien vegetation removal programmes
We minimise the impact on storm and ground water by using a specialised product to clear and safely dispose of apron spillages, and monitor storm water monthly to ensure it is not polluted.
In the past, Airports Company South Africa partnered with the Endangered Wildlife Trust to minimise bird strikes and other contact with wildlife by applying environmentally sensitive management techniques. Environmental teams at the relevant airports are now fully skilled to deliver this function independently.
Airports Company South Africa, as a world-class airport operator acknowledges that airport activities and operations may have diverse impacts on environment and therefore accepts our stewardship role of responsible care for the environment.
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Airports Company South Africa's comprehensive Geographic Information Systems (GIS) wildlife management system upgraded to reduce the risk of costly and dangerous bird strikes.
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In 2006, aviation fuel leaked from the airport fuel system into the storm-water system, which flows into the Blaauwpan Dam.
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Environmental Authorisations
TECJ0025 - KSIA ECO Audit Report 19_Final for Submission.pdf
TECJ0025 - KSIA ECO Audit Report 18_Final for Submission.pdf
ROD Bravo Taxiway.pdf
Environmental Authorisation for Bavo Taxiway for King Shaka International Airport.pdf
Feb 2020.pdf